Landorundun is a legend in North Toraja. is a girl with a very beautiful long hair, her mother is Lambe' Susu. One day Landorundun went to a river to take a shower, a strand of her hair float out and somewhere far a boy named Datu' Bendurana found her hair and he searched for a girl who has that hair until he finally meet Landorundun and they finally got married.
when i arrived in Toraja, all i can say is "wow" it was amazing, especially the location where i stayed for a month which is in Matabongi (Mata = eyes, Bongi = dark, night) Matabongi means mata gelap . The legend says that in this place Lambe' Susu unable to see because her eyes suddenly went dark when her daughter got taken away by Datu' Bendurana.
Enjoying a cup of Toraja Coffe in front of the Tongkonan where i stayed for a month
Matabongi, North Toraja
Writers document (2011)
A wonderful view
Writers document (2011)
the carving on Lumbung
Matabongi, North Toraja
Writers document (2011)
Toraja have a rich culture and they still holding on to it until this modern era. One of the ceremonial tradition they still hold these days is Rambu Solo', Rambu Solo' is a funeral ceremony. The ceremony could take until 2-3 days. Unlike most people, Toraja have a unique grave. Toraja people are buried in rocks or a cave, for the aristocrats usually buried high in rock cliff. In front of the cave or cliff usually there's human-sized dolls on display, it was made exactly the same as the aristocrats burried in the rock cliff or cave. For babies the yburied it in a tree, because they consider babies are still pure.
Pana' stone Grave, North Toraja
Writers document (2011)
Pana' stone Grave, North Toraja
Writers document (2011)
Baby Grave
Pana' stone Grave, North Toraja
Writers document (2011)
Pana' stone Grave, North Toraja
Writers document (2011)
source: writers documentation 2011
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