Kamis, 13 September 2012

campus visit to Toraja, South Sulawesi 2011 -part 2

Tongkonan, its Toraja's traditional house. The house i stayed in for 30 days in Matabongi, North Toraja. The locals said that the tongkonan that we sleep in is called Tongkonan Ma' Dika, it was the oldest tongkonan in North Toraja. But Tongkonan Ma' Dika just been renovated so the roof and few ornaments have been changed into modern material.

Tongkonan Ma' Dika
Matabogi, North Toraja
Writers Document (2011)

curious about how tongkonan looks like without modern material? our team walked around the village, a lot of the tongkonan has been renovated or just been made with modern material. But then we finally found one tongkonan, a little far than the others, it still have that natural "green" roof. when i said "green" i really mean it. it has grass and few plants grow on it.

One of the old tongkonan with "green" roof
Nort Toraja
Writers Document (2011)

we also meet a family who's building the lumbung for their tongkonan. lumbung is some kind of building that people use to store their grains or their food. usually lumbung  is located right in front of the tongkonan.

Tongkonan Ma' Dika 's Lumbung
Matabongi, North Toraja
Writers document (2011)

The way they build lumbung
Writers document (2011)

one of the lumbung on progress
Writers document (2011)

source :                       writer's documentation (2011)  

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